Again MBC continues to be very competitive and successful. Well done. There’s a very happy busy vibe about the club. It seems to me every time I pop in there’s a match on or members are practicing. Much of this is due to the enthusiasm of our wonderful committee, so well lead by Stuart. And speaking of enthusiasm where would we be without Roger Morrison and the Kimptons.
Last Wednesday night 25 enjoyed a hamburger and chip night.
We welcomed Di and Andy’s friends along with Sasha’s daughter Abigail. Kathryn Allen brought photos of a very happy and fit looking Janet as she explores Patagonia.
This week we have our master chef Stuart providing curries. Yum.
New social members continue to join us and we welcome Ali and Troy to MBC.
Thank you to Gregor, Jill and Malcolm and Ed for running Friday night’s function.
Don’t forget our wine tasting afternoon Sunday 16th and Christmas Cocktail Party Wednesday 19th. Sign up sheets are at the club.
See you Friday,