If you’re looking at this website we’re going to assume that you know what lawn bowls actually IS! And a simple web search will give you all the history, rules, etc.

The question is, ‘Why would you want to take it up as a sport’? Here are a few random thoughts from some Malvern Bowling Club members …

  • ‘I like the fact that it’s one of the few sports where men and women compete on equal terms and actually play together. Strength counts for little. And once they showed me the basics, I quickly realised that anyone … and I mean anyone, regardless of size, shape, age or gender can bowl a good bowl!’
  • ‘Don’t care whether I win or lose. It’s just the friendships and the laughs’.

  • ‘I tossed up between golf versus bowls when I retired. I’d always been a social golfer, never tried bowls, so I gave it a go. I found I was good at it and now, I’m addicted. It beats golf in every way, plus I reckon I’ll still be able to play when I’m in my 80’s. Not so sure if that would be the case with golf.’
  • ‘I thought it was a sport for old people – until I found myself playing against a 23-year old and two 30 somethings in my first Pennant game. I now realise that it’s a sport for all ages.’
  • ‘The reason you see a lot of older people playing it is that it’s one of the few sports where the advantages of strength and youth can be offset by skill and tactics. You can actually get better at it as you get older and gain experience.’
  • ‘It’s as cerebral as it is sporty. I love it! Someone once described it as ‘chess on grass’, which I reckon is pretty apt’.
  • ‘I probably shouldn’t admit this, but I took up lawn bowling because, as a single person, I figured it was a good way to meet other single people, while having fun. And I was right’.
  • ‘Some days it does your head in, other days you’re “in the zone”. God only knows why! But it’s always great fun and a laugh with mates, regardless of how you play on the day’.
  • ‘I love the fact that I can wander down the club and even if I don’t feel like having a bowl, there’s always someone there to chat to, or a game in progress to watch’.



To read why we think bowls beats golf as a pastime, hands down, click here

To learn more about how you can bowl at Malvern Bowling Club, click here