Today the grass was sprayed onto the green, signifying an important stage of the new greens’ development. The mesh will be in place for 2-3 weeks and then we will be relying on the weather to do the right thing.
The Malvern Bowling Club is looking forward to hosting members of the local community at our Open Day this Sunday. If you have wondered what lawn bowls is all about, or simply want to watch the fun, we would love to see you.

MBC Open Day
The MBC Bowling Club’s Open Day will be held on 13th October. This will be a great opportunity to celebrate the opening of the new green.
Phin Meere’s Memorial
Phineas Meere’s memorial was the saddest yet happiest celebration. We learned so much about this remarkable young man and his ‘large’ life. MBC largely featured, obviously as the venue but as requested by Phin’s parents, Andy Smith spoke of Phin as a friend, bowler and a member of MBC. Among the happy times Andy
Dr Optical signs on as new Club Sponsor
The club is pleased to announce that Dr Optical have seen the light and have decided to become a Sponsor. Dr Optical are based in Tooronga Village and Dr. Yee Tang and the Team would love to meet you.
Club Champions
At the recent AGM, Bowls Director, Joe Aarons presented the trophies to the respective Club Champions and Runner Ups. They included Men’s Club Champion Bowler Gerald Meuli (RU Peter Nowatschenko) and Women’s Champion Olga Nowatschenko, (RU Anne Burns) pictured below. Other winners were – Novice Champ – Andrew Hicks and Runner Up Gael Huntingford Womens
Green Update
While the new Tifdwarf grass is progressing well, the Committee, on the advice of the greenkeeper, have decided the new date for the opening of the green will be September 1st. The green will be available for coaching.The Club Championships will be played at Elwood Elsternwick. Entry forms are in the clubhouse so sign up