Phin Meere’s Memorial


Phineas Meere’s memorial was the saddest yet happiest celebration. We learned so much about this remarkable young man and his ‘large’ life.

MBC largely featured, obviously as the venue but as requested by Phin’s parents, Andy Smith spoke of Phin as a friend, bowler and a member of MBC. Among the happy times Andy recounted was Phin’s 30th birthday party held on a Wednesday night dinner. Penny and Anne Franceschini were the organisers of this special night for us and Phin’s parents. Phin was last seen bowling at a Tuesday night pennant game. Andy was skip, in a high vis jacket so Phin had a slight chance of seeing where the Jack was. His other great mates former MBC members Troy Matthew and ‘Morrow’ completed the team. Phin was waving his bowling arm in all directions, much sledging took place and great hilarity ensued. All had a fun night, including the incredulous opposition.

Paul Holtschke, a former member of MBC was invited to reflect on Phin’s nearly 20 years at MBC. Paul spoke truthfully of Phin’s experience as our first disabled member. It was Paul, the disability advocate for Stonnington, who introduced Phin to Michael Classon, our then president, asking if Phin could join and bowl. Michael to their delight said ‘I’ve been waiting for you’. This is typical of our warmth towards and acceptance of all. Suzanne Gibbs has digitised the Order of Service, thank you, and the beautiful and happiest of photos on the last page was taken by his great friend and fellow culture aficionado Ali Willers, a long time social member.

Also as requested by Julia and Michael Meere Penny Gamble organised the catering. Penny is beyond praise and thanks, she is a brilliant caterer, a genius and so hard working. To quote the generous Pen, ‘I’ve got a great team’. Thank you Jayne, Penny Hudson and Noel. Our bar staff Ian, Sue and John were brilliant, as always. Other members and friends were so helpful.

So MBC shone. This took a great deal of work. Penny Gamble, Alec Kapov, Ian Burns and John Finemore were at the club each day for at least 10 days. Obviously many other members and former members helped.

Lastly it was a pleasure to see so many current and past members attend Phin’s farewell. I’d like to mention David Pethard looking well and our former Ladies Champion and great skip, Andy Barraclough.

During this incredibly busy time we enjoyed a booked out Christmas in July on the 21st. Again we shone. Our bright star Penny and her team of elves truely delivered. The lunch was delicious, the chicken and roast veggies provided by Chargrilled Charlie’s, who is interested in supporting MBC. The beautiful plum puddings were another team effort. Thanks to Penny, Penny Hudson, Beth Smith and Jayne. A special thanks to Graeme Smith who donated the brandy, it was such a comforting aroma as we tucked into more deliciousness. Many more need to be thanked, thank you Gael, Sue, Richard and Ian.

And there’s more. On the Thursday and Friday nights functions took place. Thanks again to the usual suspects, Pen, Penny, Jayne, Richard and Noel. Tomorrow night, Friday, there’s a large function organised, a trivia night for a local and highly respected school. Another opportunity for MBC to shine.

So in the last 2 or so weeks MBC will have had a club luncheon, 3 Friday night drinks, 2 functions, a memorial attended by hundreds and a function for 100 guests. I haven’t elaborated on a yum Friday Pizza night attended by 40 a little while ago. Well done MBC. I’m sure to have forgotten or not noticed all involved so please forgive me.

Richard completed his coaching course today. We look forward to his sessions and again thanks. Also our Friday night drinks continue, the exception tomorrow night 26th. I believe we should be so very grateful to Ian. During this bitter winter he attends the bar every Friday, sometimes until 7 pm.

I’ve also become aware of many acts of support and kindness shared by our members. As I’ve constantly reiterated over the years MBC is special. This is also the message from Phin, be kind, be happy, be supportive, be nonjudgmental and have fun. We so miss you Phin and as Andy so movingly wrote, there are tears in many eyes.

We all look forward to the opening of the Green which is not long away. In the meantime stay well and take care.

