The Malvern
Bowling Club


To All Members,

We are running the Hocking Stuart Cup on Saturday 6th April, 2019.    Hocking Stuart remain one of the most loyal and supportive sponsors for the Malvern Bowling Club and this tournament celebrates their involvement and support so please support the tournament.


A great day to have a bowl and a bite of lunch with your friends, cost to enter is $10 per head and this covers a bbq lunch and also your first drink at the bar.


Rules of the competition are as follows, there will be an entry sheet at the club tonight and entries can be made up until 9:00am on 6th April:


Competition Rules

  1. Place your name in your preferred position
  2. Random draw into teams – if entries are uneven the competition organiser will place bowlers in different positions prior to draw
  3. There will be 3 games of 7 ends each with a break for a BBQ lunch after game 2
  4. Points will be awarded as follows – 1 point for each end won, 3 points for each game won
  5. Top 2 teams will play a 3-end final with the winner being the team with the most shots.
  6. The tournament will commence at 10:00am, 6th April with the random draw


Entries Close Saturday 6th April at 9:00am.




President – Malvern Bowling Club

M – 0410 074 270