The Malvern
Bowling Club

Greek Spit Roast Night

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We are excited to announce that our usual Wednesday evening dinner on 16 December will be a very special event – we are offering a real spit roast!  The spit will be set up at 1:30pm and we’ll be ready for dinner at the usual time of 6:30pm.  The meal will include roast lamb, gourmet sausages, salads, roast potatoes and a selection of desserts including traditional Christmas cake, mince pies, berry pavlovas and more.

Why not get a small group together and celebrate the end of the year?  You can enjoy barefoot bowls before dinner (from 5:00pm) and after dinner you can roll down a few ends under lights.  Of course the bar will be open, throughout.

There will be a maximum number of 50 people attending the event, so it’s important to make your booking early, either via our website form at, by phoning Penny on 0488 312 857 or if you have Facebook you can go to our “Book Now” button at

The special prices for this one-off event will be $20 for members and $30 for non-members.