Good Afternoon.
As we’re having a break this weekend to celebrate John’s birthday I thought I’d also honour other members.
The award for I wish I’d said that,
shared between Marty Palmer, Ann Hume and Dee Finemore(see below).
Marty for her reply to a seemingly endless discussion of parking difficulties at AGM. ‘We’ve been taking about parking since Ron and I joined the club, so I think nothing will change’.
Ann on being accosted and told by opposition player our parking is so appalling ‘we’re never coming to MBC again’. ‘Good, we’ll get a walk over’.
The award for I wish I’d never said that.
Young Bill Derbyshire. ‘Congratulations Dee on winning Ladies Pairs Championship’. We established he thought he had watched me rather than Robyn Loh(sorry Robyn).
But this gave me the opportunity to reply to Bill’s question, ‘who’s that woman’ (referring to a tallish, rather solid brunette who walked into club). ‘I don’t know Bill, but it’s not Robyn Loh’
The award for bowl’s invention of the year.
goes to ‘Pencil Power’ Garry Devlin for his discovery of The positive power of the pencil.
Annual awards for Bowl Aphorisms,
All skips, ‘it’s good back there’, ‘don’t be short’
All players ‘I’m short!’
Anne Franceschini ‘I’m a bit skinny’
Dennis ‘oh Dennis!’
John Finemore ‘take your grass’
Neil ‘just get second shot’ and ‘it’s easy, just get big bowl near little jack’
Wayne Martin ‘low and slow’
Award for most forgiving member.
Dennis, who after much counselling has forgiven, but not forgotten John Finemore for being absent one training night and so bar couldn’t be opened.
Runners up are Gregor and Olga who have to read John’s writing.
Award for MBC film critics of the year. Shared between Geraldine and Rohan. They have wonderful suggestions on what to go and see.
Award for MBC readers of the year.
Janet, Graeme, June, Marg Murdoch, Wendy and Geraldine. They have a diverse and interesting approach to the joys of reading.
Award for the forging of the strongest friendship of the year.
Harry Finemore and Max Murdoch. Daisy Derbyshire and Billy McLean look on with envy.
Award for chefs of the year. Pen, Stuart and Anita.
Award for sweet maker of the year. Ann Hume for her chocolate ripple cake.
Award for amazing presentation of the year. Pen for the grazing table at wine tasting afternoon.
Award for function of the year.
Anita and Toinette , The Gospel Afternoon’. Runners up, John Finemore, Pen and Graeme for ‘Wine tasting afternoon.’
Award for Silver Polisher of the year. Bev. Derbyshire.
Award for most supportive members. Phin. Runners up Bill, John M. and Garry. MBC members who come and watch are always most appreciated.
Award to MBC members who travel the greatest distance to play. Pek Tee and Rodger Klimpton.
And finally the Eddie Everywhere award goes to Andy Smith. We are so fortunate to have gained such a wonderful new member.
Oh, I forgot the award for the most enthusiastic, optimistic and hard working member. I guess we’d all agree it’s our president Stuart.
Finally, finally I feel we should all be pleased with ourselves. We have the best club and each of us contribute to make this so.
Despite the heat John will open the bar on Friday so if you want to pop in do.
I’ve just heard training Thursday night is cancelled