
It seems to me I constantly report on a happy and successful week at MBC, and yet again I begin with ‘it’s been a happy and successful week’ at MBC.   How truly fortunate we are.
I’ve always rather fancied my lasagna  and it’s one of my favourite meals. But I’d never eaten Marg Murdoch’s which was  just too delicious. Wednesday night was the happiest and we thank the Murdochs yet again.

Saturday’s Regis Cup was a huge success. Firstly the weather was perfect, it’s been ghastly too often. Super organiser Stuart was in fine form and we were very pleased to welcome the manager of Regis  East Malvern Justine. Everyone appeared to be enjoying their bowling and I was struck by the rapport that is apparent between many of us. This must add greatly to our success in pennant.
The play off was exciting, Ann Hume, Ed Payne and Ron defeated David Knott, Gerald and Stuart. Perhaps a surprise win but the winners were truly on fire. Fast Eddy was just that.  I believe the 3rd team was Dee, Robyn and Pek Tee. So of the top 9 bowlers on the day 4 were women. Another factor in our success I’m sure, our female bowlers aren’t just in the kitchen. Speaking of which thanks to Andy Pappas for the BBQ lunch and being our roving photographer. Well done to all who participated in the day.

Some may have noticed the absence of John Murdoch and Andy Smith. They were in Nagambie bowling in the regional championships. We hope they had an exciting time and some success. I know Andy had a number of wins in the singles.

As we aren’t bowling this coming Tuesday 19th. we are to revive our movie group.
We will meet at The RIVOLI for the 1.10 session of Ride like a Girl. Please join us and all are most welcome.

Remember Wednesday night dinner, please be in touch with John FInemore if your name isn’t down.
