Upcoming Championship Games

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Yesterday, a very exciting contest was played at the club – the semi-final of the mixed pairs championship between Helen and Michael Classon -vs- Andy Barraclough and David Pethard.  It all came down to the last end – going in to it the score was 12-12. The end result came down to a measurement of less that 1 mm and took four people to measure and decide the winning pair.  

Hearty congratulations go to Andy and David!

The final (a game of 18 ends) will be played on Friday at 12:00 midday, weather permitting. The contest will be between Andy and David -vs- Eiko and Shinei Sakai.

Also on Friday the semi-final of the 100-Up will be played between Graeme Lee and Michael Classon starting at 12:00 midday.

Please come along to support the bowlers and (no doubt) to see some wonderfully skilful play.