Dear Members,

A great day was had by some 35 members on Saturday as we ran the Hocking Stuart Cup for one of our major sponsors for the first time in 3 years.    A random draw provided some really even teams and some great competition all in the right spirit.   After 2 games of 7 ends we broke for lunch expertly cooked by John Murdoch with help in the kitchen from Penny Gamble and Robyn Loh.

After two games there were many teams that could make the final and so all hung on the 3rd and final game.  After the completion of the third game we had the great honour of taking club photos of all the members who represented the club with great spirit and success through the season.   It was great to see almost all bowlers attend even if they were not bowling in the Hocking Stuart Cup.    Just the effort to get to the club shows the spirit even if just for a photo…..a photo that in effect represents the success of the club in achieving its goals for the season……..not just a photo but a statement.

The final for the Hocking Stuart Cup was then played over 5 ends with most members staying for a coffee, drink or some food and to cheer on the two sides playing on the beautifully presented green.

For the record:

Winners on the day (see picture below):    Score – 4 shots to 2 after 5 close ends.

Lead      –     Olga Nowatschenko

2nd        –     Anne Franceschini

Skip       –     Stuart Arnold-Levy

Runners up:

Lead      –     David Knott – in his first tournament at the club

2nd        –     Andy Smith

Skip       –     Ross Stuart

It was great to see the new faces, hope they choose to become more permanent fixtures…..welcome to Sandra and David Knott, Ron Scerri and Andy Pappas.

Hocking Stuart were well represented during the day and got to see a little of the spirit that there is around the club.

General Stuff:

  • Keep April 17 free. Did you know that the East Malvern Branch of Bendigo Bank does insurance?    I didn’t!!!    Well they do and I have arranged that there will be a number of representatives of the branch at the club on April 17 to take a copy of your insurances and then see if they can save the members some money.

I will send out a flyer but get your buildings/ contents/ Car/Boat and for those that may have motor bikes your Bike polices out in a pile.   Put your name down for dinner and save some money and enjoy the company of your bowling friends!!!    Please support one of our most valuable sponsors by providing them the opportunity to provide us savings and generate new business for them.

  • A very very special thankyou to Troy Futter and Alison Willers. New members who have embraced the club and have supported it considerably with their efforts with the replacement of the first part of the fence.    Rarely do new members make the effort in time and support and we are very appreciative to have you as new members and for your efforts.   We hope that we see more of you on the green next year!!!    On that fron, with respect to the fence also a great thanks is owed to Andy Smith and Allen Thomas for their efforts in painting (yes some got on the fence) and then also to Roger Morrison who single handedly put the sponsors signs back on the fence and it all looks fantastic!!!!!   Thank you all for your efforts.
  • The Regis Cup remains on the agenda for the 27th April but I am still awaiting confirmation from Regis and will advise.
  • This Wednesday we have a dozen bowlers from Dandenong Club for dinner and a bowl, it would be nice to be well represented by Malvern Bowlers to give them a bit of competition. Dinner at 6:30pm sand bowling once the food is consumed, the list is at the club and we just need to know who is attending for numbers for catering.
  • Closing of the green is slated for Monday 6th May to allow some ongoing seed work to be started.
  • Trophy presentation day is now confirmed at Sunday May 19th commencing at midday and we will send out more information over the next week or so. We hope to have many of our major sponsors in attendance to help celebrate the successes as a club and for individuals at this great afternoon lunch affair.




President – Malvern Bowling Club