Good Morning,

It’s been a great start to the season. The weather has been kind and I’ve seen some talented and determined bowling.
And a big welcome back to Robyn Loh and what a successful day she had on the green. In fact the Lohs were both on fire.

Speaking of being on fire one of our favs Neil Martin also returned to bowls after surgery. And of course we were very pleased to see Michael  and Andy Pappas and Maurice Bernstein. We’re sorry Joe Aarons isn’t able to bowl but hopefully he’ll recover shortly.

And a huge thank you to Stuart for his extraordinary efforts to make practice games so enjoyable.

We’ve had 2 functions recently and thank you to John Finemore and Andy Smith for their efforts. It’s always worth asking John if he’s looking for some help. I know he’d be very grateful if you did so.

We’re of course very sorry to learn of the passing of Wayne Martin’s mother. We send our best thoughts to the Martin family.

As you may know the movie group had a fun time over the winter. To celebrate this  we will meet at the Malvern Vale this coming Tuesday 24th from 6pm on to enjoy dinner and a catch up before we meet again in January. We may even discuss the movies we enjoyed. But we’d really like other  MBC members to join us. The Malvern Vale is an ideal venue for a largish group to meet without any hassles. Be in touch with John Murdoch if you’re able to join us.

Until training and Friday night
