The Malvern
Bowling Club

Diary Date: Closing of the Green


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Well, the time has come to formally close the green for the off-season, and as always we will celebrate the event with a get-together to announce the winners of championship trophies and to have a delicious meal with good company!  For many of us, it’s the last time we will see each other until the new bowls season around October.  There are opportunities to bowl during the colder months (at Camberwell Bowling Club, for example, or at Southern Indoor) so be sure to ask around the club if others are doing that, so that we can see each other over the next few months, and keep our skill level up!

The Closing of the Green 

When? Sunday 24 May

Time? 12:30pm for 1:00pm 

What? Sit-down lunch

How much? $25 (pay at the door)

BONUS: First drink is complimentary

Whom should I tell that I’ll be attending? Phone Graeme Lee on 0408 384 399 or put your name on the list at the club

Cut-off date?  Wednesday 20 May, for catering purposes, please.